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Call for the recruitment of one assistant professor with full time temporary contract for the TECIP Institute

  • Call notice date 06.03.2020
  • Deadline for application submission 20.04.2020

The Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies by Rectoral Decree no. 127 dated March, 6,  2020, whose notice has been published on Gazzetta Ufficiale - Serie Concorsi ed Esami no. 28 dated April, 7, 2020, has opened one public selection for the recruitment of one  assistant professor (ricercatore a tempo determinato) with full time temporary contract pursuant to Italian Law no. 240/2010, art. 24 paragraph 3 letter A  in the Academic Recruitment Field Academic Discipline Electronics (09/E3 Elettronica) – Academic Discipline Electronic Engineering (ING-INF/01 Elettronica) at the TECIP Institute.

Deadline: by April, 20, 2020, at 1 p.m. (Italian Time: GMT+2)

To apply please click here


The interview will be on May, 15, 2020 in Pisa. The interview with the committee will be held telemathically  at 11.30  a.m. 

The telemathic interview will be held using the WEBEX platform at this link

(more details in the attached file istruzioni)

. Anyone interested  can attend and join the meeting. 


By Rectoral Decree no. 243 dated April, 27,  2020 the committee has been appointed.

First Meeting

The Committee has held the first meeting on Mat, 8, 2020.


By R.D. No. 282 dated May, 20, 2020 Dr. Koteswararao Kondepu has been declared winner.


 For further information, please contact the Human Resources Department (Tel. +39-050-883.575/258, e-mail